Review: Avengers 1959 #1

Writer: Howard Chaykin

Artist: Howard Chaykin

Hmmm, I’m not even sure where to start with this one so I’ll just come out with it: I don’t like this. At all. Howard Chaykin writes and draws, and unfortunately every character looks exactly the same except with different coloring. The book is extremely weird and out there, but mostly just uninteresting. We have a team consisting of Bloodstone, Namora, Sabretooth, Kraven, and others. But what I don’t get is that if this takes place in 1959, why is Sergei Kravinoff on the Avengers? He’s in his 30’s-40’s in Amazing Spider-man, so how the hell is he a character in a story set in 1959?

There is a early scene at a dinner party where Kraven shoots Sabretooth in the face for flirting with Namora. I think Chaykin meant for this to be funny, but the style in which it is presented just comes off as completely out of place and stupid.

The only redeeming thing of the entire book was when Nick Fury dropped some assassin prostitute on a sharp parking meter, which stabbed her through the throat. I definitely won’t be reading the rest of this series.

Grade: 51

Reviewed by: Matteo

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